Source code for goblin.relationships.base

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import warnings
from functools import wraps

from goblin import connection
from goblin._compat import array_types, string_types
from import LazyImportClass
from goblin.exceptions import GoblinRelationshipException

from goblin.constants import IN, OUT, BOTH

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def requires_vertex(method): @wraps(method) def method_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.top_level_vertex: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) else: raise GoblinRelationshipException("No Vertex Instantiated") return method_wrapper
[docs]class Relationship(object): """ Define incoming and outgoing relationships that exist. Also enforce schema IN, OUT and BOTH directions Warn if queries return schema violations. """ def __init__(self, edge_class, vertex_class, direction=BOTH, strict=True, gremlin_path=None, vertex_callback=None, edge_callback=None, query_callback=None, create_callback=None): from goblin.models import Edge, Vertex self.edge_classes = self._create_class_tuple( edge_class, enforce_type=Edge) self.vertex_classes = self._create_class_tuple( vertex_class, enforce_type=Vertex) assert direction in (IN, OUT, BOTH), \ "Direction of Relationship must be of one in (%s, %s, %s)" % ( IN, OUT, BOTH) self.direction = direction self.strict = strict if gremlin_path: # pragma: no cover self.gremlin_path = gremlin_path self.vertex_callback = vertex_callback self.edge_callback = edge_callback self.query_callback = query_callback self.create_callback = create_callback self.top_level_vertex_class = None self.top_level_vertex = None def _setup_instantiated_vertex(self, vertex): self.top_level_vertex = vertex self.top_level_vertex_class = vertex.__class__ def _create_class_tuple(self, model_class, enforce_type=None): """ Take in an string, array of classes, or a single class and make a tuple of said referenced classes :param model_class: Input to be transformed into reference class(es) :type model_class: string_types | array_types | goblin.models.Edge | goblin.models.Vertex :param enforce_type: Enforce a specific model type? If not provided, everything that is resolved passes, otherwise if a type is given, the classes are filtered out that don't match. :type enforce_type: None | goblin.models.Vertex | goblin.models.Edge :rtype: tuple[enforce_type | Object] """ if isinstance(model_class, string_types): model_classes = (LazyImportClass(model_class), ) elif isinstance(model_class, array_types): model_classes = [] for mc in model_class: if isinstance(mc, string_types): model_classes.append(LazyImportClass(mc)) else: model_classes.append(mc) model_classes = tuple(model_classes) else: model_classes = (model_class, ) if not enforce_type: return model_classes else: final_classes = [] for kls in model_classes: if (isinstance(kls, LazyImportClass) or issubclass(kls, enforce_type)): final_classes.append(kls) else: warnings.warn( "Relationship constraint is not derived from %s and will be ignored!" % enforce_type, category=SyntaxWarning) return tuple(final_classes) @requires_vertex
[docs] def vertices(self, limit=None, offset=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Query and return all Vertices attached to the current Vertex TODO: fix this, the instance method isn't properly setup :param limit: Limit the number of returned results :type limit: int | long :param offset: Query offset of the number of paginated results :type offset: int | long :param callback: (Optional) Callback function to handle results :type callback: method :rtype: List[goblin.models.Vertex] | Object """ allowed_elts = [] allowed_vlts = [] for e in self.edge_classes: allowed_elts += [e.get_label()] for v in self.vertex_classes: allowed_vlts += [v.get_label()] if limit is not None and offset is not None: start = offset end = offset + limit else: start = end = None operation = self.direction.lower() + 'V' future_class = kwargs.get('future_class', None) if future_class is None: future_class = connection._future future = future_class() future_result = getattr( self.top_level_vertex, operation)(*allowed_elts) def on_vertices(f): try: result = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: if callback: result = callback(result) elif self.vertex_callback: result = self.vertex_callback(result) future.set_result(result) future_result.add_done_callback(on_vertices) return future
[docs] def edges(self, limit=None, offset=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Query and return all Edges attached to the current Vertex TODO: fix this, the instance method isn't properly setup :param limit: Limit the number of returned results :type limit: int | long :param offset: Query offset of the number of paginated results :type offset: int | long :param callback: (Optional) Callback function to handle results :type callback: method :rtype: List[goblin.models.Edge] | Object """ allowed_elts = [] for e in self.edge_classes: allowed_elts += [e.get_label()] if limit is not None and offset is not None: start = offset end = offset + limit else: start = end = None operation = self.direction.lower() + 'E' future_class = kwargs.get('future_class', None) if future_class is None: future_class = connection._future future = future_class() future_result = getattr( self.top_level_vertex, operation)(*allowed_elts) def on_edges(f): try: result = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: if callback: result = callback(result) elif self.edge_callback: result = self.edge_callback(result) future.set_result(result) future_result.add_done_callback(on_edges) return future
[docs] def allowed(self, edge_type, vertex_type): """ Check whether or not the allowed Edge and Vertex type are compatible with the schema defined :param edge_type: Edge Class :type: goblin.models.Edge :param vertex_type: Vertex Class :type: goblin.models.Vertex :rtype: bool """ if self.strict: if (edge_type in self.edge_classes and vertex_type in self.vertex_classes): return True else: return False else: return True
[docs] def query(self, edge_types=None, callback=None): """ Generic Query method for quick access :param edge_types: List of Edge classes to query against :type edge_types: List[goblin.models.Edge] | None :param callback: (Optional) Callback function to handle results :type callback: method :rtype: goblin.models.query.Query | Object """ # if not self.top_level_vertex: # raise GoblinRelationshipException("No vertex known to start with, this is an error") if edge_types: if not isinstance(edge_types, array_types): edge_types = (edge_types, ) for et in edge_types: if et not in self.edge_classes: raise GoblinRelationshipException( "Not a recognized edge label type, invalid schema") else: edge_types = self.edge_classes from goblin.models.query import Query query = Query(self.top_level_vertex).labels(*edge_types) if callback: return callback(query) elif self.query_callback: return self.query_callback(query) else: return query
def _create_entity(self, model_cls, model_params, outV=None, inV=None): """ Create Vertex and Edge between current Vertex and New Vertex :param model_cls: Vertex or Edge Class for the relationship :type model_cls: goblin.models.Vertex | goblin.models.Edge :param model_params: Vertex or Edge class parameters for instantiating the model :type model_params: dict :param outV: Outgoing Vertex if creating an Edge between two vertices (otherwise ignored) :type outV: goblin.models.Vertex :param inV: Incoming Vertex if creating an Edge between two vertices (otherwise ignored) :type inV: goblin.models.Vertex :rtype: goblin.models.Vertex | goblin.models.Edge """ if isinstance(model_cls, LazyImportClass): model_cls = model_cls.klass create_cls = model_cls._get_factory() from goblin.models.edge import Edge if issubclass(model_cls, Edge): return create_cls(outV=outV, inV=inV, **model_params) else: return create_cls(**model_params) @requires_vertex
[docs] def create(self, edge_params={}, vertex_params={}, edge_type=None, vertex_type=None, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a Relationship defined by the schema :param edge_params: (Optional) Parameters passed to the instantiation method of the Edge :type edge_params: dict :param vertex_params: (Optional) Parameters passed to the instantiation method :type vertex_params: dict :param edge_type: (Optional) Edge class type, otherwise it defaults to the first Edge type known :type edge_type: goblin.models.Edge | None :param edge_type: (Optional) Vertex class type, otherwise it defaults to the first Vertex type known :type edge_type: goblin.models.Vertex | None :param callback: (Optional) Callback function to handle results :type callback: method :rtype: tuple(goblin.models.Edge, goblin.models.Vertex) | Object """ # if not self.top_level_vertex: # raise GoblinRelationshipException("No existing vertex known, haveyou created a vertex?") if not vertex_type: vertex_type = self.vertex_classes[0] if not edge_type: edge_type = self.edge_classes[0] if not self.allowed(edge_type, vertex_type): raise GoblinRelationshipException( "That is not a valid relationship setup: %s <-%s-> %s" % ( edge_type, self.direction, vertex_type)) future_class = kwargs.get('future_class', None) if future_class is None: future_class = connection._future future = future_class() if isinstance(vertex_type, string_types): top_level_module = self.top_level_vertex.__module__ new_vertex_future = self._create_entity(vertex_type, vertex_params) def on_vertex(f): try: new_vertex = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: if self.direction == IN: outV = new_vertex inV = self.top_level_vertex else: outV = self.top_level_vertex inV = new_vertex new_edge_future = self._create_entity( edge_type, edge_params, outV=outV, inV=inV) def on_edge(f2): try: new_edge = f2.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: if callback: try: result = callback(new_edge, new_vertex) except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) elif self.create_callback: try: result = self.create_callback( new_edge, new_vertex) except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: result = (new_edge, new_vertex) future.set_result(result) new_edge_future.add_done_callback(on_edge) new_vertex_future.add_done_callback(on_vertex) return future