Source code for goblin.models.vertex

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import inspect
import logging

from goblin._compat import (
    array_types, string_types, add_metaclass, integer_types, float_types)
from goblin import connection
from goblin.exceptions import (
    GoblinException, ElementDefinitionException, GoblinQueryError)
from goblin.gremlin import GremlinMethod
from .element import Element, ElementMetaClass, vertex_types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VertexMetaClass(ElementMetaClass): """Metaclass for vertices.""" def __new__(mcs, name, bases, body): # short circuit element_type inheritance body['label'] = body.pop('label', None) klass = super(VertexMetaClass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, body) if not klass.__abstract__: label = klass.get_label() if (label in vertex_types and str(vertex_types[label]) != str(klass)): logger.debug(ElementDefinitionException( """%s is already registered as a vertex: mcs: %s name: %s bases: %s body: %s""" % (label, mcs, name, bases, body))) else: vertex_types[label] = klass # index requested indexed columns # klass._create_indices() return klass
[docs]class EnumVertexBaseMeta(VertexMetaClass): """ This metaclass allows you to access MyVertexModel as if it were an enum. Ex. MyVertexModel.FOO The values are cached in a dictionary. This is useful if the number of MyVertexModels is small, however it it grows too large, you should be doing it a different way. This looks for a special (optional) function named `enum_generator` in your model and calls that to generate the ENUM for the model. There is an additional optional model attribute that can be set `__enum_id_only__` (defaults to True) which dictates whether or not just the Vertex ID is stored, or the whole Vertex in cache. """ enums = None def __getattr__(cls, key): # property name to use for keying for the enum # method for handling name mangling, default to passthrough mode which # subs spaces for underscores and caps store_model = getattr(cls, '__enum_id_only__', True) def get_enum_keyword(enum): return getattr( enum, 'enum_generator', lambda: ( getattr(enum, 'name', '').replace(' ', '_').upper()))() if key.isupper(): if cls.enums is None: cls.enums = dict( [(get_enum_keyword(enum), enum._id if store_model else enum) for enum in cls.all()] ) id = cls.enums.get(key, None) if not id: # make one attempt to load any new models cls.enums = dict( [(get_enum_keyword(enum), enum._id if store_model else enum) for enum in cls.all()] ) id = cls.enums.get(key, None) if not id: raise AttributeError(key) return id else: return super(EnumVertexBaseMeta, cls).__getattr__(key)
[docs]class Vertex(Element): """ The Vertex model base class. The element type is auto-generated from the subclass name, but can optionally be set manually """ # __metaclass__ = VertexMetaClass __abstract__ = True gremlin_path = 'vertex.groovy' _save_vertex = GremlinMethod() _delete_vertex = GremlinMethod() _traversal = GremlinMethod() _delete_related = GremlinMethod() _find_vertex_by_value = GremlinMethod(classmethod=True) label = None FACTORY_CLASS = None def __repr__(self): return "{}(label={}, id={}, values={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.get_label(), getattr(self, '_id', None), getattr(self, '_values', {})) def __getstate__(self): state = {'id':, '_type': 'vertex'} properties = self.as_save_params() properties['label'] = self.get_label() state['properties'] = properties return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(**self.translate_db_fields(state)) return self @classmethod
[docs] def find_by_value(cls, field, value, as_dict=False): """ Returns vertices that match the given field/value pair. :param field: The field to search :type field: str :param value: The value of the field :type value: str :param as_dict: Return results as a dictionary :type as_dict: boolean :rtype: [goblin.models.Vertex] """ _field = cls.get_property_by_name(field) _label = cls.get_label() value_type = False if isinstance(value, integer_types + float_types): value_type = True results = cls._find_vertex_by_value( value_type=value_type, vlabel=_label, field=_field, val=value ) if as_dict: # pragma: no cover return {v._id: v for v in results} return results
[docs] def get_label(cls): """ Returns the element type for this vertex. @returns: str """ return cls._type_name(cls.label)
[docs] def all(cls, ids=[], as_dict=False, match_length=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Load all vertices with the given ids from the graph. By default this will return a list of vertices but if as_dict is True then it will return a dictionary containing ids as keys and vertices found as values. :param ids: A list of titan ids :type ids: list :param as_dict: Toggle whether to return a dictionary or list :type as_dict: boolean :rtype: dict | list """ if not isinstance(ids, array_types): raise GoblinQueryError("ids must be of type list or tuple") deserialize = kwargs.pop('deserialize', True) handlers = [] future = connection.get_future(kwargs) if len(ids) == 0: future_results = connection.execute_query( 'g.V.hasLabel(x)', bindings={"x": cls.get_label()}, **kwargs) else: strids = [str(i) for i in ids] # Need to test sending complex bindings with client vids = ", ".join(strids) future_results = connection.execute_query( 'g.V(%s)' % vids, **kwargs) def id_handler(results): try: results = list(filter(None, results)) except TypeError: raise cls.DoesNotExist if len(results) != len(ids) and match_length: raise GoblinQueryError( "the number of results don't match the number of " + "ids requested") return results handlers.append(id_handler) def result_handler(results): objects = [] for r in results: if deserialize: try: objects += [Element.deserialize(r)] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise GoblinQueryError( 'Vertex type "%s" is unknown' % r.get('label', '')) else: objects = results if as_dict: # pragma: no cover return {v._id: v for v in objects} return objects handlers.append(result_handler) def on_all(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: [stream.add_handler(h) for h in handlers] future.set_result(stream) future_results.add_done_callback(on_all) return future
def _reload_values(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Method for reloading the current vertex by reading its current values from the database. """ reloaded_values = {} future = connection.get_future(kwargs) future_result = connection.execute_query( 'g.V(vid)', {'vid': self._id}, **kwargs) def on_read(f2): try: result = f2.result() result =[0] except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: # del result['type'] # don't think I need this reloaded_values['id'] = result['id'] for name, value in result.get('properties', {}).items(): # This is a hack until decide how to deal with props reloaded_values[name] = value[0]['value'] future.set_result(reloaded_values) def on_reload_values(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future_read = future_read.add_done_callback(on_read) future_result.add_done_callback(on_reload_values) return future @classmethod
[docs] def get(cls, id, *args, **kwargs): """ Look up vertex by its ID. Raises a DoesNotExist exception if a vertex with the given vid was not found. Raises a MultipleObjectsReturned exception if the vid corresponds to more than one vertex in the graph. :param id: The ID of the vertex :type id: str :rtype: goblin.models.Vertex """ if not id: raise cls.DoesNotExist future_results = cls.all([id], **kwargs) future = connection.get_future(kwargs) def on_read(f2): try: result = f2.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: if len(result) > 1: # pragma: no cover # This requires to titan to be broken. raise cls.MultipleObjectsReturned result = result[0] if not isinstance(result, cls): e = cls.WrongElementType( '%s is not an instance or subclass of %s' % ( result.__class__.__name__, cls.__name__) ) future.set_exception(e) else: future.set_result(result) def on_get(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future_read = future_read.add_done_callback(on_read) future_results.add_done_callback(on_get) return future
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Save the current vertex using the configured save strategy, the default save strategy is to re-save all fields every time the object is saved. """ super(Vertex, self).save() params = self.as_save_params() label = self.get_label() # params['element_type'] = self.get_element_type() don't think we need # Here this is a future, have to set handler in callback future = connection.get_future(kwargs) future_result = self._save_vertex(label, params, **kwargs) deserialize = kwargs.pop('deserialize', True) def on_read(f2): try: result = f2.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: if deserialize: result = result[0] self._id = result._id for k, v in self._values.items(): v.previous_value = result._values[k].previous_value else: result = future.set_result(result) def on_save(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future_read = future_read.add_done_callback(on_read) future_result.add_done_callback(on_save) return future
[docs] def delete(self, **kwargs): """ Delete the current vertex from the graph. """ if self.__abstract__: raise GoblinQueryError('Cant delete abstract elements') if self._id is None: # pragma: no cover return self future = connection.get_future(kwargs) future_result = self._delete_vertex() def on_read(f2): try: result = f2.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future.set_result(result) def on_delete(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future_read = future_read.add_done_callback(on_read) future_result.add_done_callback(on_delete) return future
def _simple_traversal(self, operation, labels, limit=None, offset=None, types=None, **kwargs): """ Perform simple graph database traversals with ubiquitous pagination. :param operation: The operation to be performed :type operation: str :param labels: The edge labels to be used :type labels: list of Edges or strings :param start: The starting offset :type start: int :param max_results: The maximum number of results to return :type max_results: int :param types: The list of allowed result elements :type types: list """ from goblin.models.edge import Edge label_strings = [] for label in labels: if inspect.isclass(label) and issubclass(label, Edge): label_string = label.get_label() elif isinstance(label, Edge): label_string = label.get_label() elif isinstance(label, string_types): label_string = label else: raise GoblinException("traversal labels must be edge " + "classes, instances, or strings") label_strings.append(label_string) allowed_elts = None if types is not None: allowed_elts = [] for e in types: if issubclass(e, Vertex): allowed_elts += [e.get_label()] elif issubclass(e, Edge): allowed_elts += [e.get_label()] if limit is not None and offset is not None: start = offset end = offset + limit else: start = end = None future = connection.get_future(kwargs) future_result = self._traversal(operation, label_strings, start, end, allowed_elts) def traversal_handler(data): if data is None: data = [] return data def on_traversal(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: stream.add_handler(traversal_handler) future.set_result(stream) future_result.add_done_callback(on_traversal) return future def _simple_deletion(self, operation, labels, **kwargs): """ Perform simple bulk graph deletion operation. :param operation: The operation to be performed :type operation: str :param labels: The edge label to be used :type labels: str or Edge """ from goblin.models.edge import Edge label_strings = [] for label in labels: if inspect.isclass(label) and issubclass(label, Edge): label_string = label.get_label() elif isinstance(label, Edge): label_string = label.get_label() elif isinstance(label, string_types): label_string = label else: raise GoblinException("traversal labels must be edge " + "classes, instances, or strings") label_strings.append(label_string) future = connection.get_future(kwargs) future_result = self._delete_related(operation, label_strings) def on_read(f2): try: result = f2.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future.set_result(result) def on_save(f): try: stream = f.result() except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future_read = future_read.add_done_callback(on_read) future_result.add_done_callback(on_save) return future
[docs] def outV(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Return a list of vertices reached by traversing the outgoing edge with the given label. :param labels: pass in the labels to follow in as positional arguments :type labels: str or BaseEdge :param limit: The number of the page to start returning results at :type limit: int or None :param offset: The maximum number of results to return :type offset: int or None :param types: A list of allowed element types :type types: list """ return self._simple_traversal('outV', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def inV(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Return a list of vertices reached by traversing the incoming edge with the given label. :param label: The edge label to be traversed :type label: str or BaseEdge :param limit: The number of the page to start returning results at :type limit: int or None :param offset: The maximum number of results to return :type offset: int or None :param types: A list of allowed element types :type types: list """ return self._simple_traversal('inV', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def outE(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Return a list of edges with the given label going out of this vertex. :param label: The edge label to be traversed :type label: str or BaseEdge :param limit: The number of the page to start returning results at :type limit: int or None :param offset: The maximum number of results to return :type offset: int or None :param types: A list of allowed element types :type types: list """ return self._simple_traversal('outE', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def inE(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Return a list of edges with the given label coming into this vertex. :param label: The edge label to be traversed :type label: str or BaseEdge :param limit: The number of the page to start returning results at :type limit: int or None :param offset: The maximum number of results to return :type offset: int or None :param types: A list of allowed element types :type types: list """ return self._simple_traversal('inE', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def bothE(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Return a list of edges both incoming and outgoing from this vertex. :param label: The edge label to be traversed (optional) :type label: str or BaseEdge or None :param limit: The number of the page to start returning results at :type limit: int or None :param offset: The maximum number of results to return :type offset: int or None :param types: A list of allowed element types :type types: list """ return self._simple_traversal('bothE', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def bothV(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Return a list of vertices both incoming and outgoing from this vertex. :param label: The edge label to be traversed (optional) :type label: str or BaseEdge or None :param limit: The number of the page to start returning results at :type limit: int or None :param offset: The maximum number of results to return :type offset: int or None :param types: A list of allowed element types :type types: list """ return self._simple_traversal('bothV', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_outE(self, *labels, **kwargs): """Delete all outgoing edges with the given label.""" return self._simple_deletion('outE', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_inE(self, *labels, **kwargs): """Delete all incoming edges with the given label.""" return self._simple_deletion('inE', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_outV(self, *labels, **kwargs): """ Delete all outgoing vertices connected with edges with the given label. """ return self._simple_deletion('outV', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_inV(self, *labels, **kwargs): """Delete all incoming vertices connected with edges with the given label.""" return self._simple_deletion('inV', labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def query(self): from goblin.models.query import Query return Query(self)