Source code for goblin.gremlin.groovy

import collections
import pyparsing
import re

# Cache of parsed files
_parsed_file_cache = {}
GroovyImport = collections.namedtuple('GroovyImport', ['comment_list', 'import_strings', 'import_list'])
GroovyFunction = collections.namedtuple('GroovyFunction', ['name', 'args', 'body', 'defn'])
GroovyFileDef = collections.namedtuple('GroovyFileDefinition', ['functions', 'imports', 'filename'])

[docs]class GroovyFunctionParser(object): """ Given a string containing a single function definition this class will parse the function definition and return information regarding it. """ # Simple Groovy sub-grammar definitions KeywordDef = pyparsing.Keyword('def') VarName = pyparsing.Regex(r'[A-Za-z_]\w*') FuncName = VarName FuncDefn = KeywordDef + FuncName + "(" + pyparsing.delimitedList(VarName) + ")" + "{" @classmethod
[docs] def parse(cls, data): """ Parse the given function definition and return information regarding the contained definition. :param data: The function definition in a string :type data: str | basestring :rtype: dict """ try: # Parse the function here result = cls.FuncDefn.parseString(data) result_list = result.asList() args = result_list[3:result_list.index(')')] # Return single line or multi-line function body fn_body = re.sub(r'[^\{]+\{', '', data, count=1) parts = fn_body.strip().split('\n') fn_body = '\n'.join(parts[0:-1]) return GroovyFunction(result[1], args, fn_body, data) except Exception as ex: return None
[docs]class GroovyImportParser(object): """ Given a string containing a single import definition this class will parse the import definition and return information regarding it. """ # Simple Groovy sub-grammar definitions ImportDef = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.Keyword('import')) ImportVarName = pyparsing.Regex(r'[A-Za-z_.\*]*') CommentVar = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphas, pyparsing.alphanums).setName('comment') OptionalSpace = pyparsing.Optional(' ') ImportDefn = ImportDef + \ pyparsing.delimitedList(ImportVarName, delim='.').setResultsName('imports') + \ pyparsing.Suppress(";") + \ pyparsing.Optional( pyparsing.Suppress('//') + pyparsing.delimitedList(CommentVar, delim=pyparsing.Empty()).setResultsName('comment') ) @classmethod
[docs] def parse(cls, data): """ Parse the given import and return information regarding the contained import statement. :param data: The import statement in a string :type data: str | basestring :rtype: dict """ try: # Parse the function here result = cls.ImportDefn.parseString(data) package_list = [] if 'imports' in result: package_list = result['imports'].asList() comment_list = [] if 'comment' in result: comment_list = result['comment'].asList() return GroovyImport(comment_list, package_list, ['import {};'.format(package) for package in package_list]) except Exception as ex: return None
[docs]def parse(filename): """ Parse Groovy code in the given file and return a list of information about each function necessary for usage in queries to database. :param filename: The file containing groovy code. :type filename: str :rtype: list """ # Check cache before parsing file global _parsed_file_cache if filename in _parsed_file_cache: return _parsed_file_cache[filename] ImportDefnRegexp = r'^import.*' FuncDefnRegexp = r'^def.*\{' FuncEndRegexp = r'^\}.*$' passedFirstFunction = False with open(filename, 'r') as f: file_lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f.readlines()] all_fns = [] all_imports = [] fn_lines = '' for line in file_lines: if not passedFirstFunction and re.match(ImportDefnRegexp, line): all_imports.append(line) elif len(fn_lines) > 0: if re.match(FuncEndRegexp, line): fn_lines += line + "\n" all_fns.append(fn_lines) fn_lines = '' else: fn_lines += line + "\n" elif re.match(FuncDefnRegexp, line): fn_lines += line + "\n" passedFirstFunction = True import_results = [GroovyImportParser.parse(im) for im in all_imports] func_results = [GroovyFunctionParser.parse(fn) for fn in all_fns] result = GroovyFileDef(func_results, import_results, filename) _parsed_file_cache[filename] = result return result