Configuring the Goblin App Object

The Goblin object generally supports the same configuration options as Cluster. Please see the driver docs for a complete list of configuration parameters.

The Goblin object should be created using the open classmethod, and configuration can be passed as keyword arguments, or loaded from a config file:

>>> import asyncio
>>> from goblin import Goblin

>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

>>> app = loop.run_until_complete(
>>> app.config_from_file('config.yml')

Contents of config.yml:

scheme: 'ws'
hosts: ['localhost']
port': 8182
ssl_certfile: ''
ssl_keyfile: ''
ssl_password: ''
username: ''
password: ''
response_timeout: null
max_conns: 4
min_conns: 1
max_times_acquired: 16
max_inflight: 64
message_serializer: 'goblin.driver.GraphSONMessageSerializer'

Special Goblin App Configuration

Goblin supports two additional configuration keyword parameters: aliases and get_hashable_id.


aliases as stated in the TinkerPop docs: are “a map of key/value pairs that allow globally bound Graph and TraversalSource objects to be aliased to different variable names for purposes of the current request”. Setting the aliases on the Goblin object provides a default for this value to be passed on each request.


get_hashable_id is a callable that translates a graph id into a hash that can be used to map graph elements in the Session element cache. In many cases, it is not necessary to provide a value for this keyword argument. For example, TinkerGraph assigns integer IDs that work perfectly for this purpose. However, other provider implementations, such as DSE, use more complex data structures to represent element IDs. In this case, the application developer must provide a hashing function. For example, the following recipe takes an id map and uses its values to produces a hashable id:

>>> def get_id_hash(dict):
...     hashes = map(hash, dict.items())
...     id_hash = functools.reduce(operator.xor, hashes, 0)
...     return id_hash

Look for provider specific Goblin libraries in the near future!