Using the Driver ================ Connecting to a :py:class:`Cluster` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To take advantage of the higher level features of the :py:mod:`driver`, :py:mod:`` provides the :py:class:`Cluster` object. :py:class:`Cluster` is used to create multi-host clients that leverage connection pooling and sharing. Its interface is based on the TinkerPop Java driver:: >>> async def print_results(gremlin='1+1'): ... # opens a cluster with default config ... cluster = await'') ... client = await cluster.connect() ... # round robin requests to available hosts ... resp = await client.submit(gremlin=gremlin) ... async for msg in resp: ... print(msg) ... await cluster.close() # Close all connections to all hosts And that is it. While :py:class:`Cluster` is simple to learn and use, it provides a wide variety of configuration options. Configuring :py:class:`Cluster` ------------------------------------------------------------------ Configuration options can be set on :py:class:`Cluster` in one of two ways, either passed as keyword arguments to :py:meth:`open`, or stored in a configuration file and passed to the :py:meth:`open` using the kwarg `configfile`. Configuration files can be either YAML or JSON format. Currently, :py:class:`Cluster` uses the following configuration: +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |Key |Description |Default | +===================+==============================================+=============+ |scheme |URI scheme, typically 'ws' or 'wss' for secure|'ws' | | |websockets | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |hosts |A list of hosts the cluster will connect to |['localhost']| +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |port |The port of the Gremlin Server to connect to, |8182 | | |same for all hosts | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |ssl_certfile |File containing ssl certificate |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |ssl_keyfile |File containing ssl key |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |ssl_password |File containing password for ssl keyfile |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |username |Username for Gremlin Server authentication |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |password |Password for Gremlin Server authentication |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |response_timeout |Timeout for reading responses from the stream |`None` | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |max_conns |The maximum number of connections open at any |4 | | |time to this host | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |min_conns |The minimum number of connection open at any |1 | | |time to this host | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |max_times_acquired |The maximum number of times a single pool |16 | | |connection can be acquired and shared | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |max_inflight |The maximum number of unresolved messages |64 | | |that may be pending on any one connection | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |message_serializer |String denoting the class used for message |'classpath' | | |serialization, currently only supports | | | |basic GraphSONMessageSerializer | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ For information related to improving driver performance, please refer to the :doc:`performance section `.